Outsourcing Your Switchboard for Enhanced Business Accessibility

Customers frequently reach out to your company via phone calls. However, unanswered calls may prompt them to seek assistance from your competitors. Can you guarantee that all customers receive prompt responses to their inquiries from your company?

Outsourcing your switchboard liberates your time to concentrate on core business activities and enhances customer service. Through switchboard management services, contacts are efficiently directed to the appropriate personnel, facilitating traceability, reporting, and maintaining service excellence.

DialOk provides switchboard operator services in Finland. Request a quote for switchboard services, and our sales team will be in touch.

Luotettavalle kumppanille ulkoistettu puhelinvaihde takaa tavoitettavuuden.

Outsourced Switchboard, Seamless Communication

Efficient switchboard management facilitates seamless communication between your company, customers, and stakeholders. Whether through an outsourced switchboard or tailored partial services, customers and stakeholders can reliably reach key personnel in your company.

An effective switchboard supports revenue and efficiency. With standardized procedures, understanding of customer businesses, and professional call center operations, we ensure a high-quality, consistent service experience.

Switchboard Outsourcing

Our flexible operating models ensure a scalable switchboard solution tailored to your company’s needs.

The implementation of the switchboard service proceeds smoothly, with close collaboration with the client company. After familiarizing ourselves with the client company’s business, training call center personnel, and conducting technical tests, the service is implemented.

Our Customer Success Manager team ensures seamless collaboration throughout the switchboard outsourcing process. Implementation of the switchboard service is flexible, conducted in collaboration with the customer, the CSM team, and technology.

The Customer Success Manager oversees process steps and meticulously reviews the functionality and details of the entire service chain. Service quality and effectiveness are enhanced through reporting and joint monitoring meetings.

Selkeä vaihteenhoidon palvelumalli palvelee yrityksesi tarpeita.

Our High Service Quality

To ensure consistent service quality and adherence to a common work approach, we’ve developed an advanced Quality Coaching process in collaboration with quality training specialists. Ongoing coaching ensures that the outsourced switchboard represents your company’s brand effectively.

In the Diccas Service Database, you can easily update your staff’s contact information, ensuring calls are directed to the right individuals. This improves service efficiency and ensures a better customer experience by providing visibility into staff availability at a glance.

Through our mobile-responsive software, you can easily update absence information and personnel changes directly to the switchboard system used by operators, even via mobile phone. This ensures real-time updates for all personnel using Diccas in your organization.

Switchboard service quality is monitored and improved through reporting. Access to an advanced browser-based reporting system allows you to view key information at any time. Four different reporting modules are available to suit your company’s needs.

Overflow Call Service – Additional Support When Needed

If outsourcing the switchboard isn’t currently feasible for your company, and you prefer to manage call forwarding yourself, we offer overflow call services. This ensures your company remains reachable even outside standard service hours.

Overflow support aids in managing peak customer service times and reduces the need for shift work. Your employees don’t need to be available 24/7 to handle all inquiries. Overflow service steps in when your internal resources are insufficient to handle all calls.

Switchboard management can be fully or partially outsourced as overflow.

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